

Check-It is a utility that scans through DDE values in other applications. If you use INS as alarm server you may not always be able to define alarms in the application that actually measures the values. (IE SCADA applications). In this case you may define alarm conditions in Check-It and let it read the values from your data server.

Similar to the Message Service application Check-It displays an icon in the system tray (Right part of task bar) after startup. This means that Check-It is ready to read values from the other applications. If you click on the icon and double click on an entry the following configuration screen opens:

DDE Topic Parameter for the DDE call, usually APPLICATION|TOPICNAME
Item Subject of DDE conversation
Condition Condition to compare value
Limit Limit to compare value with
Hysteresis Absolute value to exceed until event is re-enabled after sending an alarm message. IE if the Hysteresis is 1.5, the Limit is >11.5 and the actual value exceeds this limit an alarm will be sent. Then this event is disabled until the value falls below 11.5-1.5=10, then the event will be re-enabled.
Scan time Scan time to read values. Format hh:mm:ss.
User to call Contacts(s) which will receive the alarm message
Message Actual alarm message to send
(See also file sending)
Enable/Disable Enables or disables scanning of value



Command line parameters for CheckIt

You can start CheckIt.exe with the following command line parameters:

/NOFORM  Does not display the taskbar icon nor any other form

Please only use this parameter when directed by MAW support to do so.


Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

DDE has three parts: the name of the application; the file name or topic; and the cell range, value, field, or data that's referred to. The following illustration shows the parts of a remote reference formula and the required separator characters.

Topic: Excel|Sheet1
Item: R1C1

You can either get data form a DDE server, send data to the DDE server or execute a macro on the DDE server.
The program that contains the data you want to link must support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). To determine whether your program supports DDE or to learn the DDE name and topic information for the program, contact the software vendor of the program.


Connecting Check-it to RSView32

The RSView32 DDE Server, which makes database values available for DDE Clients, must be configured to start when RSView32 is started.

  1. From the Project window Edit Mode tab, select the System folder, then choose Startup.
  2. Click the OPC/DDE Server checkbox.  (Same as setting the DDEServerON /NetDDE macro variable).  If you enter this in a macro directly, you must have the /NetDDE flag if you are using this over a network.

To access a value from RsView enter in Check-It the following values:

DDE Topic RTDATA|ProjName
Item TagName


DDE Topic RTDATA followed by the name of the project, without a path or extension.
Item A tag name


To access RsView over the network use \\ComputerName\RDATA|ProjName

Alternatively you can directly access the tag from a node through RSLinx

Item TagName


DDE Topic RSLINX followed by the name of a configured node
Item A tag name



Connecting Check-it to Citect

To access a value from Citect enter in Check-It the following values:

Item TagName

To access Citect over the network use \\ComputerName\CITECT|VARIABLE

Citect version 7.0 allows different clusters, hence the item becomes Cluser.TagName




Connecting Check-it to InTouch (Wonderware)

To access a value from InTouch enter in Check-It the following values:

Item TagName

To access InTouch over the network use \\ComputerName\VIEW|TAGNAME

Note: There is an alternative (better) way to extract information out of InTouch and send messages without the use of CheckIt. Please read on here...